Critical Reflection
Module Learning Writing the literature review and technical report has taught me about proper past present participle. When writing the literature review, I wrote it in the past tense as I thought that whatever was being evaluated by me has already happened. Then I learned that since I am evaluating a current device which was still in operation, the information which is still true to the device would be in present tense. For example, I wrote “The Trace Gas Orbiter was successful in its mission as it had taken useful data of Mars atmospheric gases”. However, as the Trace Gas Orbiter is still orbiting around Mars and collecting data, I should have written it as “The Trace Gas Orbiter was successful in its mission as it takes useful data of Mars atmospheric gases.” In the future I would have to be more aware of the past or present participle used based on the context of my writing and use the proper past or present participle. I have learnt more about how to be an effective pres...